Each day we will reveal our “tip of the day” regarding the #Winter20 release.
What’s new?
Now you can select the API version used by Lightning Locker across your org. The default is the current API version, which includes the latest Locker security enhancements.
Select an older API version when custom components only comply with Locker in an older version. When components become compliant with the current security enhancements, you can change the setting to the current API version.
We love Lightning Locker API!
Yesss, we love it !! because with this new feature, we can modify the API version for lightning Locker to give the time to our developers to update their components and comply with Locker’s latest security enhancements.
You can learn more about this feature in the Release Notes here.
And in the Salesforce Help documentation here.
Want to continue learning? Check out our next article Local development server for Lightning Web Components and follow us on Linkedin!