Day 23 : Quip is definitely one step ahead with the advent of Salesforce Anywhere


1 minutes de lecture

At Texeï we recently invest in Quip 360 for customers to empower Sales, HR and Operations teams in a fresh new way of working with documents directly embedded into Salesforce.

What we’ve learned from this new journey is a whole new way of working together thanks to a direct access to Salesforce data in documents.

With winter 21 release comes a new feature that enables in-line Salesforce records fields in documents called “Salesforce Live Data Mention”. You can now enrich Quip documents or spreadsheets without losing context.

Salesforce live data mention reads like normal text but stays up to date and sync with Salesforce. Simply enter “@Salesforce data mention” anywhere in a document for the magic to happen.

In addition, you can now easily dynamically autofill your quip templates based on the Salesforce record with mail merge syntax.

Quip 360

With the advent of Salesforce Anywhere with Spring’21, Quip 360 features are taking a new twist with the ability to create a new document wherever you are in Lightning Experience !

Want to learn more? Check out our article Must Have Admin Salesforce release summer ’23.

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